Wedding Quotes

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  • To think that there was a person in the world that not only decided to marry you but actually didn’t change its mind after a while! That’s astonishing! I do hope that it remains the same for many years to come! Happy anniversary my friend.
  • Even if your Saturday nights have gone from clubbing to watching the kids, your marriage was still worth it! I truly hope that you and your family remain strong and love each other till you draw your last breath. Happy wedding anniversary!
  • Seeing my best friend all dressed up for one of the most important and happy days of his/her life made me extremely happy. Seeing that marriage has lasted all this time, and still remaining this strong, I have to say I am filled with joy! Happy anniversary!
  • Heartfelt Wedding Anniversary Wishes
  • I want to wish to the most strange, stupid, lovely, supporting, amazing, annoying person in the world, and his/her soul mate, a happy anniversary! Thank you for taking care of my friend like that for all this time.
  • As a friend, I’ve never wished anything more than for my best friend to be happy. And seeing him/her being married really sealed the deal! Even after all this time being married, he/she is still happier than ever. And that, makes me happy as well. Happy anniversary!
  • My friend, we may not be able to drink like old times, but at least your kids are having a great role model, and your husband/wife, has a great person to wake up next to every single day! So I guess that makes up for it. Happy anniversary!
  • Today marks another year of my best friend being the happiest person in the world! I sincerely hope that many years like this are to come. Happy anniversary!

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