100 Best Ever Christmas Love Messages

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  • Every time I watch a Christmas movie, I tear up. What a wonderful life I have because you are in it.
  • It may not be snowing, but I know the holiday season is here because I miss you more than usual.
  • Do you ever think that our love is the perfect holiday present, with or without wrappings? I do.
  • Yesterday I baked a hundred cookies and decorated them with red and green sprinkles. All I need now is you.
  • This Christmas season, remember that love makes all things possible. Reach out and share the love through an act of kindness or a warm embrace. It’s the little things s that make Christmas a big difference.
  • Ever since I met you, I know I was in love. But on this special occasion, that love is more present than ever. Merry Christmas!
  • You have absolutely no idea how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And a good place to start is spending this Christmas just with you. Merry Christmas, I love you.
  •  To be completely honest with you, I don’t want any presents this Christmas. Everything I have ever wanted can be acquired by staring into your eyes for just about a few seconds. Merry Christmas, I love you.
  • This holiday assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to be my gift. If you do not accept, this message will self-destruct in thirty seconds.
  • Please look in the mirror and give yourself a kiss from me. While you’re at it, give yourself a hug. Then have the best Christmas ever.

  • Deep in the corners of our hearts, we yearn to find connections or to reconnect with lost loves. This Christmas, I am sending you warm hugs and the fervent hope that this will be your year of finding happiness and love.
  • My wishes for you today are simple: warmth, comfort, joy, and me in your holiday stocking waiting for you to open it .
  • Santa’s list just got complicated. How can that fat elf put someone on the “naughty” list who is so good at being nice?
  • The card says “A merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.” (I know we will have one.)
  • Let this Christmas be a celebration of love. May your heart overflow with peace and happiness in the company of those you hold dear.
  • The best Christmas gift one can get is the presence of family around the Christmas tree. May your Christmas become a celebration of togetherness with family and good friends.
  • “Seasons greetings” is only one of the messages I would like to give you this holiday season.
  • I hope the presents I have gotten for you this year show you how much I truly care about you.
  • I have been waiting all year to get you under the mistletoe. Merry Christmas, baby, let’s kiss and snuggle all day.
  • Some people go their whole lives without finding that one very special person. I’m glad that’s not us.
  • All I want for Christmas is you, so don’t worry about my gift. Letting me be yours is the best gift anyone could ask for.

  • You are as beautiful as an angel, as sweet as a Christmas cookie, and as loving as the whole season. Thank you for making my Christmas wonderful.
  • Even though you are far away, you’re close in my heart this holiday season. I hope you feel my love and enjoy the magic of Christmas.
  • Santa must have received my letter because having you in my life is what I asked him for. Thank you for being my Christmas angel.
  • I wish a hundred carolers would show up at my front door singing holiday songs. I wish you could be one of them.
  • I don’t mind Santa ringing their bells on every corner. My holidays are wonderful now that they include you.
  • Santa may be making a list and checking it twice, but I knew, the first time I saw you, what I wanted for the holidays.
  • Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer says Santa brought me something I really will like for the holidays. I think he means you.
  • I can’t think of the right words to use to wish you a merry Christmas, but I am really good at action.
  • May your holiday away hold children’s kisses, contentment and choir songs . May you spend the New Year with me.
  • This holiday season will be the best ever because I get to spend it with you.
  • Chimes and bells are the sounds of the season. Holiday greetings to the little bell-ringer in my life.
  • The street is bright with colored lights that shine on falling snow. The tree is lit. Why aren’t you here?
  • When you call, it is almost as if you were here this holiday. I can almost see your smile. Almost is not enough.

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