100 Best Ever Good Night Quotes

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  • No matter the darkness, daylight always comes. Go to sleep, my dear, and know that a new day awaits you. You will begin it fresh and refreshed.
  • Tonight I’ll be dreaming of you. I hope you’ll be dreaming of me, too! I love you and look forward to the next time we get to be together. Goodnight, my dear!
  • I can’t stop thinking about you. Tonight as you go to sleep, I hope you remember how very special you are to me. Sweet dreams, my love!
  • Your love carries me away to another world. May thoughts of the times we’ve spent together fill your mind with dreams of the love we share. Goodnight, my darling!
  • I hope you enjoy sweet dreams tonight, my dear. You’re so beautiful, smart, and fun to be with that sometimes I have to pinch myself and wonder if I’m dreaming when I’m with you!
  • Each night as I drift off to sleep, I dream of the next time we can be together. Sweet dreams, my love, until we meet again. I love you!
  • Remember we used to wish upon a star when we were kids? Tonight when you go to bed, make a wish — and I’ll wish that it comes true.
  • Before you go to sleep tonight, look out your window at the stars and remember that our love is as true and constant as their light. Sweet dreams, darling.
  • As mysterious as moonlight, so is the magic of the love we share. May your dreams tonight be filled with the mystique of our love. Good night, my darling.

  • Tonight, do not fear the shadows. It is just the interplay of light and darkness. In the end, light always wins just as you and me together triumph over all odds.
  • There is no darkness so deep that true love cannot pierce. Good night, my love, and know that I am always here for you in darkness and in light.
  • There may be great distance between us, but you can feel the warmth of my embrace as you close your eyes tonight. I am always with you.
  • You make my life seem like a bed of roses all the time. I am blessed. Good night and pleasant dreams.
  • In your eyes, I see the promise of wonderful tomorrows. Good night, my dearest. I look forward to basking in the warmth of your eyes again.
  • Do not be afraid of the night, my love. It is the secret behind a brighter day tomorrow.
  • You fill my days with sunshine and my nights with pleasant dreams. I love you in the daytime and in the depths of night.
  • You are everything I dream of through the night. I must be smiling silly all night.
  • I miss you whenever I think of you. But when I close my eyes, I see you smiling, and I know we will be together again soon. Good night from my corner of the world.
  • If you’re having trouble falling asleep, focus on the deep love we share. May it fill your mind with peace, joy, and sweet dreams. Good night!
  • You are in my thoughts when I am awake or asleep. I hope I am in yours, too.

  • The lonely nights are tough, but they hold the promise of happy tomorrows with you in my arms. Good night, dearest one.
  • You are the light of my life. With you, there are no dark nights, only pleasant interludes of rest.
  • There’s a beautiful moon out tonight, but none as beautiful as the light that comes from your compassionate soul. I am blessed to be by your side.
  • I dream of the day when I would be close enough to drive over and pick you up for a late night date. Soon, my love, soon. Meantime, good night kisses for you from me.
  • I go to sleep every night comforted by the thought that you belong to me and I to you.
  • I am tired and sleepy, but the day can’t end if I don’t say good night to my one and only sweetie.
  • Even in the darkest night, your peaceful radiance shines through. Good night, my Queen.
  • I am staring at the stars in the dark sky and thinking that I see you among them – the brightest, shiniest and most radiant one. I fall asleep, knowing that you are watching over me. Good night, my love.
  • To me, you are the whole universe, in all its magnificence and mystery. You rule my nights and days. Good night, sweet love.
  • If stars were made for wishing, then you my dear, would be in every star that shows up in the dark night. Pleasant dreams and happy new day when you wake.

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