100 Best Ever Wedding Anniversary Quotes

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  • To think that there was a person in the world that not only decided to marry you but actually didn’t change its mind after a while! That’s astonishing! I do hope that it remains the same for many years to come! Happy anniversary my friend.
  • Even if your Saturday nights have gone from clubbing to watching the kids, your marriage was still worth it! I truly hope that you and your family remain strong and love each other till you draw your last breath. Happy wedding anniversary!
  • Seeing my best friend all dressed up for one of the most important and happy days of his/her life made me extremely happy. Seeing that marriage has lasted all this time, and still remaining this strong, I have to say I am filled with joy! Happy anniversary!
  • Heartfelt Wedding Anniversary Wishes
  • I want to wish to the most strange, stupid, lovely, supporting, amazing, annoying person in the world, and his/her soul mate, a happy anniversary! Thank you for taking care of my friend like that for all this time.
  • As a friend, I’ve never wished anything more than for my best friend to be happy. And seeing him/her being married really sealed the deal! Even after all this time being married, he/she is still happier than ever. And that, makes me happy as well. Happy anniversary!
  • My friend, we may not be able to drink like old times, but at least your kids are having a great role model, and your husband/wife, has a great person to wake up next to every single day! So I guess that makes up for it. Happy anniversary!
  • Today marks another year of my best friend being the happiest person in the world! I sincerely hope that many years like this are to come. Happy anniversary!

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100 Best Ever New Born Baby Quotes

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  • A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty. – By unknown
  • A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase. – By unknown
  • Children are the bridge to heaven. – By Persian saying
  • A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it. – By Frank A. Clark
  • A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on. – By Carl Sandburg
  • A child’s love could simply be one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. – By unknown
  • A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give. – By Laurel Atherton
  • A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open hearted into the world and spreads magic. – By Sigrid Leo
  • A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.   – By Victor Hugo
  • A new baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. – By Eda J. Le Shan
  • Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness and light into our lives. – By Kartini Diapari-Oengider
  • Honey is sweet. A little baby is even sweeter. – By Asian saying
  • Children are like a book which we should write in and which we should read.

  • Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. – By Elizabeth Stone
  • I believe in love at first sight…because I’m a mom. – By unknown
  • A daughter is just a little baby – By girl who grows up to be your best friend. – By unknown
  • Children bring us a piece of heaven on earth. – By Roland Leonhardt
  • Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day. Taylor Hanson
  • God mark thee to His grace! Thou was the prettiest babe that e’er I nursed. And might I live to see thee married once, I have my wish. – By William Shakespeare
  • Children have neither past nor future. They enjoy the present, which very few of us do. – By Jean De La Bruyere
  • How many angels do exist? It does not really matter – one that changes our lives is totally enough. – By unknown
  • Children refresh the life and rejoice the heart. – By unknown
  • Experiencing the growth of a baby, from an infant to a human being that can take care of its own is truly something magnificent. I truly hope you get that pleasure ten-fold, when your baby becomes the person of its dreams one day. Congratulations!
  • Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together make this world a beautiful garden. – By unknown
  • First we had each other. Then we had you. Now we have everything!

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100 Sorry Messages For Friends

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  • You have to know that I appreciate our friendship like nothing else in this world, and I would do anything to make it up to you. I truly am sorry.
  • I know I have not acted the way a friend should do, and for that I am sorry. I promise to make it up to you when I have the chance.
  • I want you to know that I am truly sorry for all I’ve done. I value our friendship way too much to go around doing stupid stuff to you, so I promise to make everything up to you as long as you let me.
  • I am painfully aware that the things I said were awful, but I regret every single word. Our friendship is one of the best things that has happened to me, and I do not want to see it end like that. I sincerely apologize.
  • I know I should have put more faith in you, yet I ended up acting in a way I should not, and for that, I am terribly sorry.
  • I know that it may have seemed like I did, but I did not mean to make a fool out of you like that. My actions were unintentional, and I feel terrible. I hope that one day you choose to forgive me.
  • Sample Apology Letters for Friends
  • I know that because of what I did, I am a horrible person, that doesn’t deserve someone as amazing as you as a friend. But truth be told, I value our friendship too much to just let it end like this. I am truly sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.
  • I want you to know, that whatever I did, was not in a right state of mind, and that is why I sincerely apologize.
  • I can allow many things, but losing a friend like that is not one of them. I want you to know that I am terribly sorry, and I regret every single thing I’ve done that has made you sad. I hope that you can one day forgive me.
  • You cannot imagine how important you are to me. That is why I feel so stupid that I have caused so much pain and suffering to you. Everything I’ve done up to this point was not intended to hurt you, but it ended up doing so. And for that, I am terribly sorry.

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100 Best Ever Christmas Love Messages

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  • Every time I watch a Christmas movie, I tear up. What a wonderful life I have because you are in it.
  • It may not be snowing, but I know the holiday season is here because I miss you more than usual.
  • Do you ever think that our love is the perfect holiday present, with or without wrappings? I do.
  • Yesterday I baked a hundred cookies and decorated them with red and green sprinkles. All I need now is you.
  • This Christmas season, remember that love makes all things possible. Reach out and share the love through an act of kindness or a warm embrace. It’s the little things s that make Christmas a big difference.
  • Ever since I met you, I know I was in love. But on this special occasion, that love is more present than ever. Merry Christmas!
  • You have absolutely no idea how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And a good place to start is spending this Christmas just with you. Merry Christmas, I love you.
  •  To be completely honest with you, I don’t want any presents this Christmas. Everything I have ever wanted can be acquired by staring into your eyes for just about a few seconds. Merry Christmas, I love you.
  • This holiday assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to be my gift. If you do not accept, this message will self-destruct in thirty seconds.
  • Please look in the mirror and give yourself a kiss from me. While you’re at it, give yourself a hug. Then have the best Christmas ever.

  • Deep in the corners of our hearts, we yearn to find connections or to reconnect with lost loves. This Christmas, I am sending you warm hugs and the fervent hope that this will be your year of finding happiness and love.
  • My wishes for you today are simple: warmth, comfort, joy, and me in your holiday stocking waiting for you to open it .
  • Santa’s list just got complicated. How can that fat elf put someone on the “naughty” list who is so good at being nice?
  • The card says “A merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.” (I know we will have one.)
  • Let this Christmas be a celebration of love. May your heart overflow with peace and happiness in the company of those you hold dear.
  • The best Christmas gift one can get is the presence of family around the Christmas tree. May your Christmas become a celebration of togetherness with family and good friends.
  • “Seasons greetings” is only one of the messages I would like to give you this holiday season.
  • I hope the presents I have gotten for you this year show you how much I truly care about you.
  • I have been waiting all year to get you under the mistletoe. Merry Christmas, baby, let’s kiss and snuggle all day.
  • Some people go their whole lives without finding that one very special person. I’m glad that’s not us.
  • All I want for Christmas is you, so don’t worry about my gift. Letting me be yours is the best gift anyone could ask for.

  • You are as beautiful as an angel, as sweet as a Christmas cookie, and as loving as the whole season. Thank you for making my Christmas wonderful.
  • Even though you are far away, you’re close in my heart this holiday season. I hope you feel my love and enjoy the magic of Christmas.
  • Santa must have received my letter because having you in my life is what I asked him for. Thank you for being my Christmas angel.
  • I wish a hundred carolers would show up at my front door singing holiday songs. I wish you could be one of them.
  • I don’t mind Santa ringing their bells on every corner. My holidays are wonderful now that they include you.
  • Santa may be making a list and checking it twice, but I knew, the first time I saw you, what I wanted for the holidays.
  • Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer says Santa brought me something I really will like for the holidays. I think he means you.
  • I can’t think of the right words to use to wish you a merry Christmas, but I am really good at action.
  • May your holiday away hold children’s kisses, contentment and choir songs . May you spend the New Year with me.
  • This holiday season will be the best ever because I get to spend it with you.
  • Chimes and bells are the sounds of the season. Holiday greetings to the little bell-ringer in my life.
  • The street is bright with colored lights that shine on falling snow. The tree is lit. Why aren’t you here?
  • When you call, it is almost as if you were here this holiday. I can almost see your smile. Almost is not enough.

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100 Best Ever Good Night Quotes

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  • No matter the darkness, daylight always comes. Go to sleep, my dear, and know that a new day awaits you. You will begin it fresh and refreshed.
  • Tonight I’ll be dreaming of you. I hope you’ll be dreaming of me, too! I love you and look forward to the next time we get to be together. Goodnight, my dear!
  • I can’t stop thinking about you. Tonight as you go to sleep, I hope you remember how very special you are to me. Sweet dreams, my love!
  • Your love carries me away to another world. May thoughts of the times we’ve spent together fill your mind with dreams of the love we share. Goodnight, my darling!
  • I hope you enjoy sweet dreams tonight, my dear. You’re so beautiful, smart, and fun to be with that sometimes I have to pinch myself and wonder if I’m dreaming when I’m with you!
  • Each night as I drift off to sleep, I dream of the next time we can be together. Sweet dreams, my love, until we meet again. I love you!
  • Remember we used to wish upon a star when we were kids? Tonight when you go to bed, make a wish — and I’ll wish that it comes true.
  • Before you go to sleep tonight, look out your window at the stars and remember that our love is as true and constant as their light. Sweet dreams, darling.
  • As mysterious as moonlight, so is the magic of the love we share. May your dreams tonight be filled with the mystique of our love. Good night, my darling.

  • Tonight, do not fear the shadows. It is just the interplay of light and darkness. In the end, light always wins just as you and me together triumph over all odds.
  • There is no darkness so deep that true love cannot pierce. Good night, my love, and know that I am always here for you in darkness and in light.
  • There may be great distance between us, but you can feel the warmth of my embrace as you close your eyes tonight. I am always with you.
  • You make my life seem like a bed of roses all the time. I am blessed. Good night and pleasant dreams.
  • In your eyes, I see the promise of wonderful tomorrows. Good night, my dearest. I look forward to basking in the warmth of your eyes again.
  • Do not be afraid of the night, my love. It is the secret behind a brighter day tomorrow.
  • You fill my days with sunshine and my nights with pleasant dreams. I love you in the daytime and in the depths of night.
  • You are everything I dream of through the night. I must be smiling silly all night.
  • I miss you whenever I think of you. But when I close my eyes, I see you smiling, and I know we will be together again soon. Good night from my corner of the world.
  • If you’re having trouble falling asleep, focus on the deep love we share. May it fill your mind with peace, joy, and sweet dreams. Good night!
  • You are in my thoughts when I am awake or asleep. I hope I am in yours, too.

  • The lonely nights are tough, but they hold the promise of happy tomorrows with you in my arms. Good night, dearest one.
  • You are the light of my life. With you, there are no dark nights, only pleasant interludes of rest.
  • There’s a beautiful moon out tonight, but none as beautiful as the light that comes from your compassionate soul. I am blessed to be by your side.
  • I dream of the day when I would be close enough to drive over and pick you up for a late night date. Soon, my love, soon. Meantime, good night kisses for you from me.
  • I go to sleep every night comforted by the thought that you belong to me and I to you.
  • I am tired and sleepy, but the day can’t end if I don’t say good night to my one and only sweetie.
  • Even in the darkest night, your peaceful radiance shines through. Good night, my Queen.
  • I am staring at the stars in the dark sky and thinking that I see you among them – the brightest, shiniest and most radiant one. I fall asleep, knowing that you are watching over me. Good night, my love.
  • To me, you are the whole universe, in all its magnificence and mystery. You rule my nights and days. Good night, sweet love.
  • If stars were made for wishing, then you my dear, would be in every star that shows up in the dark night. Pleasant dreams and happy new day when you wake.

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100 Sweet Good Morning Messages

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  • Although we are rushed in the morning, I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much it means to see your face when I open my eyes.
  • I woke up this morning and saw this beautiful man lying next to me and thought I was dreaming. So glad you’re really in my life.
  • Good morning, honey. Thanks for helping me get out of the house on time, even though I didn’t want to leave you. You’re the best!
  • What a night — thanks for the roller coaster ride (wink, wink) and thanks for being such an awesome guy. Love you!
  • You’re the first thing I think of when I wake up. Good morning baby!
  • Alert! The hottest man in the world has just awoken : )
  • How can one guy be so solid and reliable and still rock my world like you do? I’ll just be grateful. Have a great morning, sweetie.

  • I never thought I’d meet a boyfriend like you, and when I woke up this morning, I had to take a minute to be thankful.
  • Good morning to the greatest boyfriend in the world. I haven’t actually quantified that statement, but I’m pretty sure.
  • Good morning babe. I hope you slept well. I did — I counted all your good qualities instead of sheep.
  • 40 Flirty Good Morning Text Messages for Him
  • I hope you have a great morning and a quick day. I’m looking forward to seeing you tonight and showing you how much I love you.
  • Good morning to my sweet boyfriend who makes me smile, fascinates me, and makes me glad every day that I met you. See you later, honey.
  • Romantic Good Morning Messages for Husband
  • Why is it that the time we’re together goes so fast and the time in between goes so slow? We can conduct further research later! Have a great morning.

  • Good morning, my sweet man — Glad we have a plan. We’ll meet up tonight and turn off the light and take eachother to heaven.
  • As you go through your day, I want you to think about how much I care about you. As boyfriends go, you’re in a class all your own.
  • Good morning. Did you sleep well? I did, because my thoughts and dreams were filled with YOU.
  • I hope your day goes well, honey. I know I will be smiling all day and have a spring in my step because I woke up next to you.
  • It seems the boyfriends before you only helped prepare me for wonderful YOU. Have a great morning.
  • Good Morning Messages for Friends
  • I woke up this morning thinking about how great it is that I can totally be myself with you — scary “morning hair” and all!
  • You always look so adorable when you wake up in the morning with your “bed head” and puppy eyes. You make me smile all day.

  • You’d think finding someone who has a genuinely good heart would be easy. I’m glad my boyfriend is such a “find.”
  • 200 Sweet Good Morning Messages
  • I hope you have a beautiful morning; you can call me anytime during your day if you need to hear (again) what you mean to me.
  • My morning will start with humming, smiling, skipping and whistling because of you. Hope I don’t get arrested! Have a great morning.
  • Good morning, handsome! My pillow hates you because it knows that I would trade it for your warm hug any day.
  • Good morning, sweet boyfriend. When I think about you today, two things will happen: I’ll feel peaceful inside AND get excited (wink).
  • Let’s start our day today by trying to wrap our minds around last night! People will wonder why we’re grinning.
  • Mornings are so great now, because as I’m wiping the fog from my eyes, I get a sudden rush of joy as I remember that I have an awesome boyfriend. Sending kisses.
  • Have a good morning — let’s plan to meet up later and enjoy “Part 2” of last night’s activities.

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